Fun Games for ESL Kids Classrooms: Get Rich or Die Trying This is a game idea you can use for teaching. If you want new ideas, here is one. Read the full instructions below.
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- Math4Children.com: Free Math Worksheets, Math Games, Online Quizzes, Video Lessons and eBooks preschool,1st to 6th grade.
Game Ideas for Teaching ESL Kids - Get Rich or Die Trying
This game is played with playing cards, a dice and this game guide(click here to print).
Print the guide and paste it on the wall or where students can see.
Explain the rules to the students. Tell them that the teacher will shuffle the cards in his/her hand and place them up side down. The students will pick a card. if they draw cards with the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, they get awarded dollar points according to the number.
If they draw a hospital card with the number 6 or 7, that means they can bring back someone from their group to life. If 6, they can bring back one person from their team to life and if 7 they can bring back two people from their team to life. If no one is dead in their team, these cards are of no use.
If they get 8, they role the dice twice and the numbers that show up, represent the amount of dollar points they will get.
If they get a card with the number 9, they get to choose and kill one person from the other team. (That person cannot participate in the game until their team gets lucky to draw a 6 or 7 to bring them back to life.
If they get a card with 10, they kidnap one person from the other team to join theirs.
If they get a J, they kill one from the other team, but the killer has to also die, so the killer kills but also dies.
If they pick out a Q, that person dies until their team draws a 6 or 7.
If they get a card with K, that person who drew has to die with one other person in their team that they choose . Again they may come back to life if a team member draws a 6 or 7.
If they get A, they win 20 dollars.
The first team to kill all members of the other team wins. If by the end of the game or class time, no team has killed all members of the other, the team with the highest amount of dollars wins.
How to put language into the game : You can practice any language skill with this game. You can ask questions before a student picks a card or you can ask them to do something. For high level students I prepare a card with three words and they get to talk non-stop for one minute, using the 3 words as prompts.
Note : sometimes at the start of the game, students may pull out a 6 or 7POSSIBLE ISSUES : The idea of killing and dying is a taboo in some cultures and in others, it is not politically correct. Remind your students that this is just a fun game and not something for real life. Also know you cultural environment before using this game and any other games.
Game designed by Kris Plasier , TEFL Teacher, China
ESL Fun Interactive Games Teaching & Learning
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- ESL Online Games Directory - Have Fun Teaching and Learning English with your Students
Free Printable ESL Board and Card Games
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- Printable Card Games for the ESL Classrooms
- Make your own games with templates
Free Powerpoint Games For ESL Teaching
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Free MS WORD & PowerPoint Game Templates - Make your own games
ESL Communicative Games for Classroom Learning
Kindergarten, Grade1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
- Math4Children.com: Free Math Worksheets, Math Games, Online Quizzes, Video Lessons and eBooks Downloads for Learning and Teaching kindergarten, preschool,1st to 6th grade.

Video Lessons by Unit & Level
Level 1 Course Video Tutorials
Unit intro – Alphabet & Phonics Resources.
Unit 5 A – Colours – What colour is it?
Unit 5 C - Green Monster Colours Lesson
Unit 6 – Fruits – I like apples.
Unit 7 – Body – I have a head.
Unit 8– Actions – I can, I can’t.
Level 2 Course Video Tutorials
Unit 1 – Animals – Farms Animals.
Unit 4 – Actions – Can and Can’t
Unit 6 – Demonstrative Pronouns – This/That/These/Those
Unit 9 – Days of the week and weekly activities
Unit 10 - Weather – What’s the weather like?
Unit 11 - Food – What do you want to eat
Level 3 Course Video Tutorials
Unit 1 – Pets : Why do you like dogs?
Unit 2a – Time – What time is it?
Unit 2b – Time – What time is it?
Unit 3 – Months & birthdays – When is your birthday?
Unit 4 – Jobs – What people do.
Unit 5 – Actions – What are you doing?
Unit 6 – Transport – How do you come to school?
Unit 7 – Clothes – What are you wearing today?
Unit 8 – Where is it? – At home
Unit 9a – Vegetables – How much are the carrots?
Unit 9b – Vegetables – Extra Vegetable Vocabulary lesson - Cauliflower, broccoli etc.
Unit 10 – Weather and clothes - Put on your sunglasses.
Unit 11 - Zoo – What does a panda look like?
Recommended Extra Resources
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- ESL Galaxy : Printable worksheets, board games, word search, matching exercises, crosswords, music worksheets, video worksheets and more free stuff for all levels.
- English Media Lab: This free online classroom has a huge database of videos, esl quizzes, grammar exercises, activities for all levels, beginners, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, advanced levels.
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