Articles and Tips for Teaching ESL Kids Welcome to our ESL Magazine page. You will find articles related to English as 2nd Language teaching, written by both teachers and students. .
Phonics Games & Videos Online - Teach Your Child to Read with Phonics - Phonics Games Online, Phonics Worksheets, Phonics Video Tutorials
English Lessons for Children - For Parents & Teachers of Kids - We offer Video Tutorials, Games, Worksheets, Powerpoint,Flashcards, Placement Tests - Kizschool.com
- Kids Math Exercises : Math Practice for Kids - Pre-K to 8th Grade.
- ESL Ebook Packs for Kids : Resources You can't afford not to have.
- Math4Children.com: Free Math Worksheets, Math Games, Online Quizzes, Video Lessons and eBooks preschool,1st to 6th grade.
Articles and Tips for Teaching ESL Young Learners
Using PowerPoint Presentations to Teach ESL
What is PowerPoint?
PowerPoint is software bundled in MS office and used for creating presentations usually in the form of slide shows. Over the years Microsoft has been updating the software, each time making it even better. Your computer might already have PowerPoint installed. READ ON2. Basic Tips for Using Videos in ESL Classrooms
Like English songs, English videos can be used for an assorted variety of language teaching and learning. The main difference lies in the fact that you see and hear. Television is however a lazy medium, providing little challenges for the mind, spoon-feeding the mind with sounds and sights, thereby providing little room for one’s imagination to thrive.READ ON
3. All singing, all dancing KG lesson plan :
Quick revision of language and setting up of props needed for first song.
For example, drill colours from colour word prompts and then get the students to tell you where you should put the flashcards around the class (‘Under the door’ etc), to run and touch during songs like ‘Red, Yellow, Blue’ or ‘I can sing a rainbow’. READ ON>>>
4. Articles by: Shelley Vernon (Author of several kids materials at www.teachingenglishgames.com )
- Why Children Learn Faster with English Language Games
There is nothing that engages children more than teaching English through play. Indeed a bored class will take in less than half of what a teacher says and retain none of it. Whereas an attentive, interested and involved class, learning through fun English Language games, will take in 100% of the lesson and retain up to 80% of it. Using language games in class has got to be one of the most exciting ways to teach children English.
- How English Games Help Children Learn
There are many ways to teach ESL/TEFL to children but one of the most exciting and rewarding ways to do it is by using games. Games not only engage the children, but also teach through play – and most of the time the children don’t even know they are learning until the time comes to show their knowledge! It truly is possible (and almost necessary) to create a classroom where the students not only learn but also truly enjoy their time there.
- How to Teach a Child English One to One
How to make one to one teaching fun, whether you are a teacher with private pupils or a parent wanting to teach English to your child in a fun way.
- Teaching English Tips to Stay in Control of a Large Class
Teaching English with games is becoming standard through out ESL classrooms of the world. This is good news, because children love to learn through games, and become much more motivated students as a result. However games often make children excited, and if you have a large class you need a few things up your sleeve to bring the class into line immediately if things get a little over-heated. Here are some tips and ideas to help you.
- Motivating Young Children to Learn English: Keeping Their Attention without Giving Them Gifts
Young children are often eager, almost too eager. The problem arises when they are eager to do things other than what you’re trying to teach them. Here are six top tips to keep them interested in class and motivated to do what you want them to do.
- Motivating the ESL Class: It's Not Just a Sea of Faces
Large ESL classes can be intimidating and sometimes daunting, but with a few tweaks to how you plan for your English classes, you can make the large class seem smaller for both you and the students.
- Teaching Grammar with Fun Learning Games
Why teach children English grammar with games? Research is showing that this is an excellent way to do it. What kind of games work best? This article answers those questions and is written for those teaching English as a second language to children.
- How to Effectively use Games in the Preschool and Elementary ESL Classroom
Things to consider and watch out for when teaching children ESL with games. Make sure the children are stimulated and learning without the chaos games can sometimes cause.
- Making ESL Learning Fun in the Pre-K or Preschool Classroom
Preschoolers are cute, funny and often eager to learn, but they are also energetic, active and difficult to keep on any particular task for more than a few minutes. Two of the best Pre-K teaching tools are ESL stories and games. Using games, stories and songs for young children will make your classroom fun and exciting and your pupils will absorb and learn English quicker and more efficiently than if you use traditional teaching methods.
- Using Stories in the Preschool ESL Classroom
Do you want to start using stories in the preschool ESL classroom but don't know where to start? There are many great pre-k activities for ESL classrooms, including games, but it's also very important to not discount the power of stories. Whether you're reading a classic book, making up a story as you go along or designing one specifically for a particular lesson, you'll want to be sure to include a story in the preschool ESL class each day.
- ESL Learning Styles, How to Implement Them and Have Fun
Understanding learning styles helps a teacher reach his or her students more effectively as well as making lessons much more fun and varied. This article describes different ESL learning styles and gives concrete examples of how to use them in class so teachers always have something up their sleeves at the right time!
- Classroom Games for Different ESL Learning Styles
It can be a challenge making grammar and vocabulary fun. However understanding ESL learning styles opens up a new world of possibilities to the ESL teacher, helping him or her connect with the students better, teach them more effectively and liven up the lessons significantly!
- Discover How To Appeal To Your ESL Students' Learning Styles
Enrich your ESL lessons with an understanding of learning styles and how to implement activities that appeal to all styles. Traditional teaching methods tend to neglect kinesthetic and tactile learning styles and are often dry. Find out what you can do as a teacher to reach out to all your students and be a more effective teacher, while massively enlivening your classes.
- Transform Your Teaching By Tapping Into Different ESL Learning Styles
An exciting article on the benefits of tapping into different ESL learning styles and how this makes teaching more fun and effective. Teachers create a closer bond with students and students are able to learn and retain language better.
ESL Fun Interactive Games Teaching & Learning
- Grammar Games - Jeopardy, Hangman, Wheel Games, Snakes and Ladders and more>>>
- Vocabulary Games - memory games, maze games, Snakes and Ladders, Hangman and more>>>
- ESL Online Games Directory - Have Fun Teaching and Learning English with your Students
Free Printable ESL Board and Card Games
- Printable Board Games For ESL Classrooms
- Printable Card Games for the ESL Classrooms
- Make your own games with templates
Free Powerpoint Games For ESL Teaching
- ESL Powerpoint Jeopardy Games
- ESL Powerpoint Olympic Jeopardy Games
- ESL Powerpoint Taboo Games
- Make your own Powerpoint Games from our templates
Free MS WORD & PowerPoint Game Templates - Make your own games
ESL Communicative Games for Classroom Learning
Kindergarten, Grade1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
- Why Children Learn Faster with English Language Games
- Math4Children.com: Free Math Worksheets, Math Games, Online Quizzes, Video Lessons and eBooks Downloads for Learning and Teaching kindergarten, preschool,1st to 6th grade.

Video Lessons by Unit & Level
Level 1 Course Video Tutorials
Unit intro – Alphabet & Phonics Resources.
Unit 5 A – Colours – What colour is it?
Unit 5 C - Green Monster Colours Lesson
Unit 6 – Fruits – I like apples.
Unit 7 – Body – I have a head.
Unit 8– Actions – I can, I can’t.
Level 2 Course Video Tutorials
Unit 1 – Animals – Farms Animals.
Unit 4 – Actions – Can and Can’t
Unit 6 – Demonstrative Pronouns – This/That/These/Those
Unit 9 – Days of the week and weekly activities
Unit 10 - Weather – What’s the weather like?
Unit 11 - Food – What do you want to eat
Level 3 Course Video Tutorials
Unit 1 – Pets : Why do you like dogs?
Unit 2a – Time – What time is it?
Unit 2b – Time – What time is it?
Unit 3 – Months & birthdays – When is your birthday?
Unit 4 – Jobs – What people do.
Unit 5 – Actions – What are you doing?
Unit 6 – Transport – How do you come to school?
Unit 7 – Clothes – What are you wearing today?
Unit 8 – Where is it? – At home
Unit 9a – Vegetables – How much are the carrots?
Unit 9b – Vegetables – Extra Vegetable Vocabulary lesson - Cauliflower, broccoli etc.
Unit 10 – Weather and clothes - Put on your sunglasses.
Unit 11 - Zoo – What does a panda look like?
Recommended Extra Resources
ESLTOWER.COM : Many Free English Grammar & Vocabulary Exercises for Teachers and Students
Want More Materials? Check Out ESL Galaxy for All ESL Lesson Plan needs
- ESL Lesson Plan Center : ESL Lesson Plan guide for all TEFL lesson plan needs on the ESL Galaxy.
- Board Games : Teach English grammar, vocabulary and sentence structures using communicative board games
- Grammar Worksheets: teach most common English grammar themes using these printable worksheets
- Vocabulary Worksheets : Well-planned theme-based vocabulary worksheets
- Theme-based Lesson plans: Plan your lessons around a theme by using the worksheets here.
- Pronunciation Lessons: Phonetic worksheets, mp3 downloads and vowel sounds audio book
- Crossword puzzles: A generous offer of free crossword puzzles for grammar and vocabulary practice
- Word Search Puzzles: Find word search puzzles that do more that fills time effectively- Good settlers
- Festivals and Holidays worksheets : Lesson plans based on holidays and festivals-Halloween, Christmas etc.
- Travel English: Teach survival English for students going abroad using these lesson plan materials
- Writing Worksheets and Templates: Practice writing using these cool printables
- Word Formation worksheets: help students improve vocabulary by teaching them prefixes, suffixes and other word formation skills
- Song Worksheets: Learn and teach English with English songs
- Movie Worksheets : Watch movies and learn English using these English film worksheets
- Math4Children.com: Free Math Worksheets, Games, Quizzes, Videos and eBooks for Learning and Teaching Math.
- Kiz School - This site offers English Courses for kids from Preschool, Kindergarten to 6th Grade. You don't have to be a professional teacher to teach kids.
- ESL Kids Lab This site is an extension of English 4 Kids
- ESL Galaxy : Printable worksheets, board games, word search, matching exercises, crosswords, music worksheets, video worksheets and more free stuff for all levels.
- English Media Lab: This free online classroom has a huge database of videos, esl quizzes, grammar exercises, activities for all levels, beginners, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, advanced levels.
- ESL Downloads: Download ESL lesson plan materials and interactive exercises for students
- ESL Games World : ESL Fun Games for Teachers and Students