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- Video Tutorials - Lesson Plans to Follow
- 1600 Printable Worksheets/Cards
- 6 Levels, 60 fully developed units - Beginner to Intermediate Levels
- 250 Interactive Games, Puzzles & Tests
- Revision Fun Games for All Levels, 354 Questions to review our courses.
- Powerpoint Presentations & PPT Games
- Placements Tests & Level Tests for All Levels - 350 questions in 6 interactive tests.
- 165 Phonics Printables & 250 Interactive Exercises
- Interactive Placement Tests to Judge Levels of learners.
- Classroom Interactive Games - Your kids deserve the best! - MORE MORE
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Featuring Content
60 Video Tutorials Units & Powerpoint
1600 Printable Worksheets
250 Interactive Games & Exercises
Flashcards By Topic
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Search Contents of Kiz School
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Level 1- Kiz School- Beginner1
- Placement & Level Test for Level 1
- Alphabet & Basic Phonics- Learn letters of the alphabet and words.
- Greetings: Hello! Goodbye!
- Name: What's your name?
- This, That: What's this?
- Colors: What color is it?
- Numbers: How many apples ?
- Age: How old are you?
- Fruits: What fruit do you like?
- Body: I have two eyes.
- Toys: Where is my teddy bear?
Level 2- Kiz School- Beginner2
- Placement & Level Test for Level 2
- Animals: What's your favorite animal? FREE SAMPLE
- These, Those: What are these? What are those?
- Family: She is my mother.
- Actions: I can jump.
- School Supplies: What 's in your school bag?
- Numbers 10 to 100: How many?
- Shapes, Colors, Sizes: What shape is this?
- Food: Something to eat.
- Weekdays: What do you usually do on Monday?
- Weather: What's the weather like?
Level 3- Kiz School- Elementary 1
- Placement & Level Test for Level 3
- Actions: What's she doing?
- Jobs: What do you want to be?
- Clothes & Colors: I'm wearing a yellow T-shirt.
- Prepositions: Where is the dog?
- Pets: What pet do you like best?
- Months & Ordinal Numbers: Christmas is on December 25th.
- Transportation: How do you come to school?
- Vegetables: How much are the tomatoes?
- Time & Daily Routines: What time do you usually have breakfast?
- Weather & Clothes: It's sunny. Put on your sunglasses.
- Zoo Animals : A Panda eats bamboo.
Level 4- Kiz School- Elementary 2
- Placement & Level Test for Level 4
- Sports: What sport are you good at?
- Festivals: What do we do at Christmas?
- Food Partitives: a slice of bread
- Directions: How do I get to the museum?
- Plants: How plants grow.
- School Subjects: When do you have Geography?
- Good manners: Do not eat in the classroom.
- Seasons & Activities: It's hot in summer. We can go swimming.
- Health: You should take medicine.
- Amusement Park: I like riding on the roller-coaster.
Level 5- Kiz School- Pre-intermediate
- Placement & Level Test for Level 5
- Future: Welcome to the future.
- Hobbies & Interests: I like surfing. It's exciting.
- Describing people: What does he look like?
- Plans for summer: Where are we going to go?
- Jobs: When I grow up, I will be an astronaut.
- Countries, Nationality: Where is he from?
- Animal Land: We went to Animal Land.
- Travel: Around the world in one lesson.
- Natural Disasters: If there is an earthquake.
Level 6- Kiz School- Pre-intermediate
- Placement & Level Test for Level 6
- Shopping: The red dress is more expensive.
- Champions: Who is faster?
- Health & Body: This year I am stronger.
- Manners: Where are your manners?
- Fire: What should we do?
- Stories: Harry Potter Characters.
- Natural world: What is the longest river?
- Space: The eight planets.
- Murder mystery: Who killed Mr. Handsome?
Supplementary Materials
- Phonics Pack - Amazing Collection of Worksheets
- 50 ESL Crosswords - Clean, High Quality PDF
- Printable Puzzles - Word Searches, Text Mazes, Scrambles
- PPT Games - Hidden Pictures, Taboo, Jeopardy
- Classroom Interactive Games
- Interactive Games - Memory Games, Snakes & Ladders & More!
- Powerpoint Game Templates
- Board Games & Card Games With Templates
- Regular Content Updates
Samples by Type of Content Explained
Video Tutorial Samples
The farm animals video is a typical level 2 video. The prepositions video is from level 3 and shopping video is a level 6 video. The lessons become more difficult the higher the level. They are designed so that anyone can use them in teaching new language effectively. They are fantastic presenters of new language and can be used with minimal guidance.
Interactive Practice Exercises- Try these samples
- Catch and Match Game - Example - Farm Animals
- Audio Flip Cards - Click and memorize - Example - Farm Animals
- Audio-Visual Crossword - Example - Farm Animals Interactive
- Interactive Reading Exercise With Quizzes & Audio - Example - Fire Drill Reading Exercise
- Games for Classroom - Memory Games, Snakes and Ladders, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy & More
- When we design games we think of three major kinds of learners - Kinesthetic, Audio & Visual Learners. By doing this we increase the chance of making our games appealing to all learners.
PowerPoint Samples - Try these!
Farm Animals Powerpoint Lesson - With Embedded Audio (2.9MB)
- Animals Pictures & Words PPT Flashcards (440 KB)
- Animals Hidden Pictures Game (2.3MB)
- Fruits PPT Lesson (2.1 MB)
- Colors PPT Lesson (2.08MB)
- Jobs Powerpoint Lesson And Prepositions of Place PPT Lesson
- Our PPT Lessons are carefully designed to present and practice the new language of the units. They are also excellent teaching materials for large classes with projectors and interactive whiteboards.
Worksheet Samples - We offer a variety of fun worksheets - Try these
- Crossword Puzzles - Example Farm Animals
- Word Searches - Example Transportation Word Search Puzzle
- Handwriting Practice - Example Farm Animals Sentence
- Matching Exercises - Example Farm Animals
- Coloring & Writing Worksheets - Example Red Apple
- Phonics Worksheets - Example Rhyming Pairs
- Labeling Exercises Worksheet - Example Body Parts
- Spelling Exercises - Choose the correct spelling - Example - Food Vocabulary
- Text Mazes - Fun Reading Exercise - Example Bowing in Japan
- MORE MORE MORE Varieties of Worksheets
The worksheets on our site took hours to plan and several days and months to create. They are designed to reinforce whatever language was presented. They are meant to be fun and not just another boring gap fill exercise.
Printable Flashcard Samples - Try these
Here is the thing with our flashcards. These flashcards come in two varieties - big size and small size. Why? Because we know that different activities require different sets of tools . The small cards for example could be good for small size classes and excellent for games like slap and say. In our lesson plans we have suggestions on how to use these cards for teaching.